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Patricia Lynn “Pat” DeVries-Weber 06-20-2016
Patricia Lynn "Pat" DeVries-Weber, wife, mom, grandma, sister, friend, passed away June 20 after a repeated battle with cancer. Pat was born on St. Patrick's Day to Lila and Herman DeVries who diverted from their pre-planned name to the one more fitting for the occasion! She loved life from March 17, 1952-2016 to June 20. The dash in between was made up of action as Pat used her multiple talents to make life special for her son, Corey, husband Ralph, daughter-in- law Sarah (Wiebersick), granddaughters Avery and Ella, sisters Shirley, Bonnie, Barb, and Marilyn, brother Mike, Ralph's daughter Amanda (Chris) Raney, their son Ian, and everyone else she met.
As an avid cook and baker Pat had her personal recipe for life: Pat's Dash in 1952-2016: Ingredients: 1 part family; loads of traditions; 1 special dog, Jessie; 100,000 days of baking; a gallon of cross stitch; a team of Packers; many, many friends; and at least 1 cozy quilt.
Cream together traditions of the past with family and new customs. Gently add a puppy or baby. Stir in threads of cross stitch masterpieces to be treasured gifts.
Next, beat the Packers to the "GO PACKERS GO" stage; fold in her "jelly beans" Avery and Ella. Meanwhile, chill a perfect cheese cake to share with friends. Finally, mark with a new found rock and tuck a family quilt around it all.
Reserve recipe into handwritten recipe books made specially for granddaughters!
Finally look it over and say "it is what it is!" and smile that beautiful smile.
Pat spent her last days thinking of others just as she always did. She went to work. She made jelly to leave with family. She gathered the makings for German Chocolate cupcakes for Father's Day surprises. She wouldn't want others to be sad but would say her oft repeated slogan: "slap a little lipstick on and you'll be just fine!ā€¯ Her wish for each of you would be to be busy, happy, together, and to smile as you remember her.
A memorial service will be held on Saturday, June 25, 2016, at the Montrose United Methodist Church 109 S 2nd Ave., Montrose, South Dakota, at 10:30 am. With family present starting at 9:30.It will be a celebration of Pat's life followed by internment at the Montrose Cemetery and fellowship at the church hall.